Partner Terms and Conditions
Cooperation in the sale of forex training programs on the site www.rebelsfunding.com.
The provider of the commission system is:
- Company Name and surname: RIFM, s. r. o.
- Registered office: Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 09
- ID Nr.: 48 116 700
- VAT NUMBER: SK2120056059
- Tel.: +421 911 611 250
- Email: [email protected]
(Hereinafter as “Provider”)
1. Introductory provisions
1.1. These terms and conditions govern the rights and obligations of the contracting parties:
• a) arising in connection with the cooperation agreement concluded between the Partner and the Provider;
• b) arising in connection with participation in the Provider's affiliate system.
1.2. By registering with the affiliate system, both the Partner and the Provider express their agreement to these terms and conditions, and both parties undertake to abide by these terms and conditions.
1.3. The relationships between the Partner and the Provider that are not regulated by these terms and conditions are governed by valid legal regulations.
1.4. The commission system is operated through the AffilBox application provided by AffilBox, s.r.o., Jahnova 8 Pardubice 530 02 IČO: 28777000 DIČ: CZ28777000.
2. Definition of Terms
2.1. The Cooperation Agreement is any agreement concluded under these terms and conditions between the Provider and the Partner, whose purpose is to promote the goods, services, or activities of the Provider. The specific scope of promotion, commission amount including information on VAT commission charge and any other details will be published by the Provider on their website interface. The Cooperation Agreement is concluded electronically and is not provided in writing. The Agreement is concluded by the Partner accepting the terms of cooperation proposed by the Provider by pressing the confirmation button in the commission system. The Cooperation Agreement is not a mandate contract or a commercial representation contract.
2.2. The Campaign defines the scope of marketing and other activities, which the Provider further defines in the commission system and offers to the Partner for promotion. The Campaign refers in particular to which goods, services or web pages of the Provider are to be promoted through the commission system. Detailed terms of the campaign or campaign groups are described in the Cooperation Agreement.
2.3. Conversion is an action of a visitor, which is the goal of the campaign. Conversion mainly refers to the completion of a purchase of goods or ordering of services from the Provider. A visitor becomes a customer of the Provider by converting.
2.4. Propagation methods are marketing and similar activities of the Partner, by which the Partner promotes the goods or services of the Provider. Propagation methods include in particular:
• 2.4.1.a) placing advertising content (especially banners) on the Partner's websites;
• 2.4.1.b) mentioning a reference to the Provider's goods or services through blogs, discussion forums, or articles (provided that the rules of blogs or discussion forums allow this activity);
• 2.4.1.c) sending emails informing about the Provider's goods or services to persons who have expressed appropriate consent to this form of marketing in accordance with legal regulations;
• 2.4.1.d) linking to the Provider's goods or services through social networks;
• 2.4.1.e) PPC campaigns. It is prohibited to run direct advertising on keywords such as REBELSFUNDING, REBELS FUNDING. If similar ads are found, we reserve the right to cancel a portion of the commission.
2.5. A visitor is a person who visits the Provider's website based on Partner's allowed propagation methods.
2.6. The Partner is a natural person over the age of eighteen or a legal entity who participates in the Provider's affiliate program based on registration.
2.7. An affiliate link is a unique link assigned to the Partner within the affiliate program. The Partner is entitled to a commission only if their affiliate link was used to achieve an approved conversion.
2.8. An affiliate account is the Partner's account maintained by the Provider in the AffilBox internet application as part of the administration of the affiliate program, which the Partner has online access to. The account records data relating in particular to the number of visitors, orders, and their status.
2.9. An approved conversion is a conversion where the customer properly and fully pays the price of the goods or services.
2.10. The Provider's website is located at www.rebelsfunding.com.
2.11. A customer is a person who definitively orders goods, services or other performance on the Provider's website.
3. Participation in the affiliate program
3.1. Participation in the affiliate program arises from the Partner's registration in the affiliate program.
3.2. Within the affiliate program, the Partner promotes the services or products of the Provider based on the cooperation agreement using the methods of promotion.
3.3. The Partner is fully liable for all damages caused by their actions in violation of these terms and/or the legal regulations of the Slovak Republic to the Provider, other users of the Provider's website, or third parties.
3.4. The Partner is responsible to the Provider for the correctness and completeness of the data provided during registration. In case of changes in the provided data, the Partner is obliged to inform the Provider immediately. The Provider is not liable for any damages caused to the Partner due to the failure to report changes in the data.
4. Rights and obligations of the Partner
4.1. The Partner is obliged to ensure that their activities do not harm or endanger the reputation or good name of the Provider, or the goods and services offered by the Provider.
4.2. The Partner may not promote the Provider's goods or services on websites whose content may in any way violate the legal regulations of the Slovak Republic or good morals. This particularly concerns websites with pornographic or illegal content and websites through which intellectual property rights are violated or such activities are promoted.
4.3. The Partner, their family members, or persons acting in accordance with the Partner may not order the Provider's services through their own affiliate link. If they do so, the Partner's entitlement to commission from such conversions ceases. If the Provider suffers damage as a result of such action, the Partner is obliged to fully compensate the Provider for such damage.
4.4. The Partner is obliged to protect their access data to their affiliate account from being misused by third parties. The Provider is not responsible for any damage caused to the Partner by such misuse.
4.5. The Partner is entitled to use all textual and image materials resulting from the creative activities of the Provider or to which the Provider has a valid license, and which are provided or made available to the Partner for the purpose of promoting the Provider. Without the prior consent of the Provider, the Partner is not entitled to use the provided materials for any purpose other than the campaign.
4.6. The Partner may not modify HTML codes, graphics, or content of advertising spaces (such as banners) provided by the Provider for use in the campaign without the prior consent of the Provider.
4.7. The Partner is obliged to ensure that their chosen methods of promotion do not result in unfair increases in the number of views of the Provider's advertising spaces through programs, scripts, reloading of advertising banners, or other means.
4.8. The Partner agrees not to promote the Provider by sending messages (via email, SMS, on discussion forums) that are qualified as SPAM. If the Provider discovers such activity by the Partner, the Provider is entitled to terminate the cooperation agreement and close the Partner's affiliate account. In such a case, the Partner's entitlement to commissions that have not yet been paid out also ceases.
5. Rights and obligations of the Provider
5.1. The Provider undertakes to regularly approve Partner's conversions during commission approval. The Partner will be informed about the approval of the conversion through their commission account.
5.2. Information about conversions is obtained through cookie files stored on customers' computers. The validity of the cookie files is specified in the application interface by the Provider. The Partner acknowledges that the Provider is not responsible if a customer disables the use of cookies in their web browser or otherwise, and a conversion cannot be attributed to the Partner's affiliate link. In such a case, the Partner is not entitled to receive a commission for such conversion.
5.3. The Provider is not responsible for any damages caused by the promotion of programs included in the affiliate system.
5.4. The Provider undertakes to pay the Partner a commission for approved conversions according to Article 6 of these terms and conditions.
5.5. The Provider is entitled to request approval of promotional emails and other texts that the Partner wants to use in their campaign.
5.6. The Provider is entitled to change or amend the wording of these terms and conditions at any time. The rights and obligations of the parties shall always be governed by the wording of the terms and conditions that were in effect at the time they were established. The Provider is obliged to inform the Partner of any changes to the terms and conditions via the contact email provided during registration. The new wording of the terms and conditions shall be effective against the Partner from the moment of notification.
6. Commission
6.1. The amount of commission is stated in the affiliate system for each campaign separately.
6.2. Commissions will be approved by the Provider immediately after the period during which legal regulations or Provider's terms and conditions allow the consumer to withdraw from the contract has expired. Approval of conversions is done automatically/manually. The Partner will be informed about the approval of the commission through their affiliate account.
6.3. Commissions will be approved for those conversions where the service promoted in the campaign has been properly and fully paid for.
6.4. In the case of canceled or revoked orders or if the customer withdraws from the contract, the Partner is not entitled to a commission.
7. Commission payout
7.1. The Partner is entitled to commission payout if the sum of approved commissions in their commission account exceeds the amount indicated on the commission system's web interface (i.e., as agreed in the cooperation agreement).
7.2. If the commission balance in the Partner's commission account exceeds the amount specified above, the Partner may request commission payout through their commission account. Based on the Partner's request, a report will be sent to the Partner indicating the final amount that can be invoiced. If the Partner cannot issue an invoice, their commission will be paid based on the contract for work.
7.3. The payment term for an invoice issued by the Partner must not be less than 14 days from the date of delivery to the Provider. If a shorter payment term is stated on the invoice, the invoice will be due for payment 14 days from delivery.
7.4. The total commission amount requested by the Partner for payout must correspond to the information stated in the commission account as of the date requested for payout. The Provider has the right to examine the Partner's request and the accuracy of the information provided. In case of any discrepancies the Provider will inform the Partner of their findings, and the parties commit to providing the necessary cooperation to resolve the matter. During the resolution of such an issue, the payout deadlines for commissions are put on hold.
7.5. Commission payouts are exclusively made via bank transfer in EUR, USD, or CZK to the Partner's bank account, with the Partner obliged to inform the Provider of all necessary details for payment (especially the account number). Commissions will not be paid in any other way unless agreed upon differently between the Partner and the Provider.
7.6 Payout can be requested once every 14 days.
8. Partner objections
8.1. In case of doubts, especially regarding the accuracy of the recorded conversions or approved commissions, the Partner has the right to raise objections with the Provider. In such a case, the Partner is obliged to provide all available information and records related to the objections.
8.2. The Partner has the right to raise objections within 30 days from the occurrence of the event that is the reason for the objection. The Provider is not obliged to respond to objections raised after this period.
8.3. Objections must be sent to the Provider in writing, which also includes an email message sent to the Provider's contact email. Only objections that are properly delivered to the Provider that are readable, and contain all the necessary information and documents for a complete assessment of the objection will be considered valid.
8.4. The assessment and decision on objections raised are solely within the competence of the Provider. Objections are typically processed within 30 days from their receipt by the Provider. The Provider's decision is then communicated to the Partner.
9. Duration of the Cooperation Agreement and Termination
9.1. The Cooperation Agreement is concluded for a specified period of time as specified in the campaign conditions or for an indefinite period of time.
9.2. The Cooperation Agreement may be terminated:
• 9.2.1.a) by agreement between the Provider and the Partner.
• 9.2.1.b) by notice of termination by the Provider or the Partner. The notice of termination must be made in writing or by email and delivered to the other contracting party, even without giving reasons. The Cooperation Agreement terminates on the day of receipt of the notice of termination by the other contracting party.
• 9.2.1.c) by withdrawal from the Cooperation Agreement by the Provider. The Provider is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement if it is proven that the Partner is acting in violation of these terms and conditions, legal regulations, or good morals. The notice of withdrawal must be made in writing or by email and delivered to the Partner, stating the reason for the withdrawal. The Cooperation Agreement then terminates on the day of receipt of the notice of withdrawal by the Partner. By withdrawing from the Cooperation Agreement, the Partner loses the right to any unpaid commission. If the Provider has suffered damage due to a breach of these terms and conditions or legal regulations, the Partner is obliged to compensate for the full amount of the damage (the amount of the damage is not reduced by unpaid commission).
9.3. Termination of the Cooperation Agreement does not affect any claims for damages.
9.4. In the event of termination of the Cooperation Agreement by agreement or notice, the Partner is entitled to request payment of commissions from the Provider for which the Partner has a claim on the date of termination of the Cooperation Agreement. Commissions will be paid to the Partner no later than 14 days from the date of receipt of the invoice.
10. Data protection
The provider declares that data will be protected in accordance with the relevant provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
Please note that under the regulation, you have the right to:
• request information from us about what personal data we process,
• request access to this data and have it updated or corrected, or request its processing to be restricted,
• portability and the right to a copy of personal data,
• request the erasure of this personal data - unless they are personal data that we are obliged or authorized to further process under the relevant legal regulations,
• file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection and the right to effective judicial protection if you believe that your rights under the regulation have been violated as a result of the processing of your personal data in breach of the regulation.
10.1. In the event of a breach of legal regulations under the preceding Article 10 during campaign implementation, Partner shall bear exclusive responsibility for such breach. If the Provider is required to make monetary payments in connection with such unlawful activity of the Partner, the Provider shall have the right to reimbursement of such payments, including the costs of legal representation, from the Partner.
10.2. Partners who have registered for the affiliate program agree to receive email messages that will be used to send news and information related to campaigns in the affiliate program or to the Provider's business.
These terms and conditions are valid from March 1, 2023.